Introducing Deevefit Transform, A curated marketplace for fitness and nutrition consulting. DeeveFit Transform allows people to enroll with experts in their choice to achieve their health and fitness goals. Service includes one-on-one mentoring for lifestyle change through nutrition and training guidance.
How does it work?
It starts with your goal of what you want to accomplish in the next 12 weeks. The goal can Get lean, Get Stronger, Improve cardio, or speed anything else, and based on your preferred we will match you with the right expert coach to work with.
Chat with your coach
Once you finalized on the coach, we will start with a quick video chat with the coach to know your goals better and other important details to ensure you succeed.
Start each week with custom training plan
Your coach will start each week by delivering a custom plan exclusive for you to ensure your on right track to meet your goals. A custom plan is based on the goals, experience level you have, and your access to equipment.
Accountability with your coach
As you progress through your journey with your coach. Your coach will reach out to you before and after workouts, when you hit a specific milestone or anytime you need advice. You can always send a message to your coach.
What do get with DeeveFit Transform
- A Human coach exclusive for you
- A Custom plan that adapts to your lifestyle
- Nutrition and Wellness Advice
- Accountability
For more information contact us at support@deevefit.com