Being diabetic, it is imperative to be stressed out searching up always to maintain sugar levels, encourage weight loss and much more. You may have heard various theories on what causes it. If you are affected by diabetes, you will want the truth about diabetes.
Diabetes Myths – My doctor didn’t prescribed me medicines, my diabetes must not be serious I have to lose a lot of weight for my diabetes to improve.
Diabetes Fact – A modest weight loss can improve your blood sugar blood pressure and blood fat levels and can reduce your risk of diabetic complications.
DeeveFit is committed to helping you with your diabetic journey. If you’re new to type 2 diabetes and having trouble sticking with your fitness program?, Try DeeveFit, where you can work out with other people who have diabetes and focus on one common goal to prevent type 2 diabetes through fitness and healthy eating. To sign up, visit https://www.deevefit.com
If you are new to type 2 diabetes, talk to one of our fitness coaches about various myths about diabetes and diet. We help you to reach your fitness goal. Whether your goal is to build muscle, lose weight, gain strength, Get fit or performance our elite fitness coaches will be with you to push you to reach your goals. At DeeveFit, it’s our mission to prevent diabetes and to save lives. DeeveFit was created for people afflicted with diabetes who want to build the strongest and healthiest version of themselves through our personalized fitness programs.